How to use Instagram to Grow Leads

Instagram is becoming an increasingly popular form of social media marketing. Instagram builds brand trust by creating an image for your store, product or service. Instagram is a cost per thousand (CPM) impressions ad platform that can be lined through your Facebook ads account. Facebook is the parent company of Instagram. This can make your Instagram advertising campaign extremely targeted. Instagram allows you to reach consumers based on their search habits and interests, much like a behavioral targeting campaign. For example, if you like clothing related Instagram posts or accounts, you can be served ads from a business with related content.

Besides running a paid ad, one of the most successful ways brands have used Instagram to grow leads is by letting their consumers be their brand’s biggest ambassadors. Many times companies will let someone try a new product for free in an attempt that the user will like it, post about it and use their hashtag. Celebrities are often compensated to promote, use or wear a certain product as long as they are posting about it on Instagram. Not every brand wants or can afford a big celebrity endorsement, so to get people to follow your account organically, look at using your account as an informational platform. For example, if you are a retail store that sells locally made jewelry, post a picture of people creating the jewelry. Let people know that this is available at your store. If you are a local coffee company, post a video of your roasting process and use a clever hashtag like #whatsinyourcup. If you’re unsure about the meaning of a hashtag, research it first.

Let your consumers know if they like your product to hashtag it. Instagram allows for photo or video related content. When posting, it’s a good rule of thumb to use a variety of pictures and videos to keep your feed relevant.

For any other questions about how to grow leads with Instagram or any other social platform the team at Midwest Marketing is always here to help!