Proper Ways to Prospect

When it comes to prospecting, there isn’t just one set of rules. It depends on the type of company you are and the type of business you’re prospecting. Below are a few tactics to get you started in the world of sales.

• Capitalize on your relationships. Are you a member of a non-profit board or professional’s group? Networking these relationships is a great starting point. If you’re not a member of at least one group, join one.

• Depending on the type of industry you’re in and the expense involved, attending industry trade-shows can be a way to make new contacts.

• Use LinkedIn. If you know the owner of a company you want to prospect in the future, connect with them on LinkedIn. This is a great way to research your prospect.

• Offer something of value to your prospects, make yourself become a resource.

• Use social media. Try commenting on a business’s Facebook page on a regular basis to help with your company’s name recognition.

• Look back to previous relationships. Things change at companies and it doesn’t hurt to stay in touch.

• Try using the regular mail instead of email. Send a nice package promoting you, rather than an email that will get deleted right away.

• Use a list service

If you’re looking for innovative ways to prospect new clientele or new customers call the team at Midwest Marketing, we always have some clever tricks up our sleeves.