10 Ways To Thank Your Customers

Who doesn’t love a little appreciation now and then?! A little love can go a long way with your customers and can cost you as little as $0. Here are some easy, and often free, ways to thank your customers:

  1. Handwritten Thank You Note. Take a few minutes out of your busy day to hand write a thank you note to your customers, employees, and vendors. Make a note in your calendar to write a few every month or even every week. The time you spend letting the important people in your life know you appreciate them is priceless.
  2. Send them a Book. Personal development is essential for everyone. Love the last book you read? Pick up a few copies and share them with customers and employees you think would enjoy them as well. Hear that a book is great for someone in a particular industry? Send them a copy!
  3. Send them Insights. You regularly browse industry newsletters and websites, and likely get them delivered directly to your inbox. Share that information with your clients and employees to show them that you care about their business or lifestyle.
  4. Surprise Upgrade. Ever been upgraded to first class on a flight? Or get a free dessert with your meal? Getting a little something extra unexpectedly will grow loyalty to your business. It will make you feel good too.
  5. Unique Holiday Cards. At our office, we get a stack of Christmas cards every day the entire month of December. Want to really stand out? Send a Thanksgiving card, or even better, send a Independence Day or National Ice Cream Day card. It’s the thought that counts, make sure they remember yours.
  6. Celebrate Their Milestones. Been a loyal customer of yours for what seems like forever? Celebrate it! Find out how many years / meals / or services they have had at your business and have a party! Give them something extra. Really celebrate them for all they give to you. Their peers will acknowledge you for all you do for them as well.
  7. Charitable Gift. Maybe your customers don’t need another cookie tray or box of chocolates for their anniversary or Christmas this year. Find out what they care deeply about and donate to that charity on their behalf. It will make you both feel great while helping out an organization that can truly benefit.
  8. Social Spotlight. Word of mouth has always been the best form of advertising, so you work to delight your customers every visit. Social Media accelerates this greatly. What a great way to thank and recognize your customer while getting your business name out as well.
  9. Refer Customers to your customers. Nothing is more flattering that a referral and you love when others refer your business, so return the favor with those who do a great job.
  10. Do business with those who do business with you. Spread the love by patronizing those businesses who support yours.

It doesn’t matter what thank you’s work best for you, just be sure to share the love and appreciation as often as possible. Go! Put it in your calendar right now!