What You Need to Know About Working with a Marketing Agency

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Considering outsourcing part or all of your digital or traditional marketing to a marketing agency? If you’re pressed for time or don’t know much about marketing, an agency may be your best bet for success! Marketing agencies are teams of experts that build and execute comprehensive marketing strategies that get you closer to your business goals.

There are many reasons business owners choose to hire an external marketing firm. It can be very cost-efficient, as it eliminates the need to bring a full-time team in house to complete marketing tasks. It also allows for an outside perspective that can be very valuable in evaluating and planning your marketing.

However, not every agency is the right fit for every business and making sure that things “click” is a very important part of the client/agency relationship. Before you start interviewing marketing agencies, here are some helpful insights to consider.

What type of agency do you need?

There are many types of agencies out there. While there are some that are full-service and can handle every aspect of marketing, there are some that specialize in creative services, digital marketing, or video production, for example. It is crucial to think about what marketing elements your company uses the most and choose an agency accordingly.

What type of digital marketing does the agency handle?

Another thing that differs among agencies is the definition of digital marketing. While some may label themselves a “digital marketing agency”, they may be primarily SEO-focused, strictly handle website design, or only place digital ads. Again, think of what is most important for your brand before committing your digital marketing to an agency.

Note: If a strong digital presence is your goal, make sure you’re working with an agency that is a Google Partner. Simply look for the badge on their website, which Google partners are proud to display.

What will the day to day look like?

No relationship looks the same across the board when it comes to agencies and their clients. Some agencies love clients to be hands-on and provide constant feedback, while others will prefer to be given some freedom to do what they feel is best. You will have to consider your preferences in this aspect as well. You may want the agency you hire to be an extension of your current in-house team, or you may want the agency to completely take the reins.

During the interview process, you will also want to ask the agency about their expectations or preferences regarding approvals, their typical turnaround times, and who the main point of contact will be after the contract is signed and work begins.

Ask for Case Studies, Work Samples, and References.

Looking at the work that an agency has already produced for clients will give you an idea of the magic they can work for your business. If you are a cutting-edge company looking for a creative rebrand, seeing these examples will help eliminate more traditional options that may play it safe and not work for your vision. Check your potential agency’s website for case studies that clearly lay out the results that they were able to achieve. It’s also common for agencies to give references of clients they have worked with in the past, so don’t forget to request a few if you need further information about what it’s like to work with the agency.

Call Midwest Marketing today at 605-716-5666 to get started on the path to marketing success!