Why Hire a Media Buyer?

Your friend (who is a radio rep) offers to place all your radio and print buys for your business, and the television rep you like most wants to sell you television and place your digital marketing. Sounds great. You are a business owner, not a media specialist, so their help will definitely be good, right? Wrong, and here is why.

Hiring an advertising agency with educated media buyers guarantees that your marketing dollars will be spent most efficiently. Buying media requires a special skill set and expensive software programs that measure market data. Although your friend may think they are working in your best interest, by nature they will always have their best interest in mind first. A media buyer will comb through data, compare trends against year over year, market share, ratings, cost per point and more. They will work hard with the media outlets on securing the best rate for your company.

Even though we all want to work with people we know and like, most often it is not in the best interest of your business. Your job as a business is owner is to market your business to sell your products to grow your market share and be successful. Leave the marketing to a professional. Advertising agencies have years of experience and buy media nationwide. This allows them to work their relationships and share their buying power with your business through negotiating prices and discounting.

An Advertising Agency will also save you time and money. So keep your friendship growing and hire a professional to market your business. Call Midwest Marketing to see how we can grow your business today.