How to Rock Your Next Media Interview

The thought of standing in front of a camera or microphone can be scary. Follow these tips to overcome your fears and perform well in your media interview!

Focus on the Message
It is important to prepare for your interview, but don’t get too caught up in scripting your answers. Instead, choose a handful of different questions that you think the interviewer might bring up and think of key words for each topic. This way, you can bring your message across and still answer each question the interviewer asks. In this interview, Barbie’s VP can’t even answer the simple questions that the interviewer is asking her. She is stuck on her scripted answers.

Avoid the Statistics
Statistics are great in moderation, but overuse can easily turn a good interview into a bad one. A good rule of thumb is to limit your use to two numbers. It’s okay to say “we have raised $30,000 and are now at 75% of our goal”, but don’t say “We have raised $30,000 in the last 6 months putting us to 75% which leaves us $10,000 more to go by December 31”. The impact of a few numbers is easier to comprehend than a whole slew of numbers, dates, and percentages.

Find the Right Volume
If you have a lot of background noise, be sure to speak up! Always try to match the interviewer’s volume, or speak a little louder. Speak clearly and concisely.  This is not the time to be quiet. Research says that soft voices lack authority, while loud ones distract from what is being said.

Act Casual
Imagine you are meeting someone at a social hour. Talk back and forth to each other, smile, and keep eye contact. Open up and be yourself. Interviews are much easier to follow if the interviewee looks and acts comfortable. Remember to listen to the interviewer and simply answer the questions. Engaging in conversation is something you do every day, so imagine the cameras are gone and you are just speaking to a friend.

Repeat your Company’s Name
Sometimes during interviews, you will be introduced as a member of your company or organization, but then it is never mentioned again. Some people tune in halfway through your interview and never hear what organization is being interviewed. Always end an interview mentioning your company or organization and re-state the overall message of the interview.