Favorite Christmas Memories

Not very many things are more magical than the holidays through a child’s eyes. They are filled with sweet treats, family, Santa Claus, reindeer, happiness and holiday wishes of gifts coming true. In honor of the holidays, the staff at Midwest Marketing shared their favorite childhood Christmas memories and traditions. We hope you enjoy and have a blessed holiday season!

Dawn – “One of my favorite childhood memories is sneaking Christmas cookie dough from the fridge in the middle of the night with my sister.”

Megan – “I would say my favorite childhood Christmas memory was when my brother and I were really little, and my parents got us a family pet, our first mini schnauzer. Her name was Rajah!”

Todd -“My favorite or funniest memory of Christmas as a youngster was, one year my dad dressed up as Santa and delivered our presents as he was leaving he leaned over and gave my mom a kiss. My little brother said mom I’m telling dad you kissed Santa.”

Christi– “I come from a pretty large family and every Christmas, growing up, almost everyone would make the trek to grandma’s house either for Christmas eve or Christmas day with kids and dogs in tow. All us little cousins would eat and play for hours and of course get into trouble – never a dull moment!”

Sasse -“One of my fondest Christmas memories from childhood was one Christmas where me and my brothers got sleeping bags for presents. It was just so big and fluffy and warm, I laid it out on the couch in our downstairs living room in front of the wood burning stove, and slept there every night for the rest of Christmas break. It was just a nice warm and fuzzy memory, and I held on to that sleeping bag for at least 25 years after, although it wasn’t so fluffy and warm by the time I had to throw it out. I definitely got my use out of it!”

Bree – “My favorite Christmas memory as a child was waking up to read the note Santa Claus always left my sister and I (next to the half eaten Christmas cookie he always said was his favorite). To this day my mom, sister and I still make the same special Christmas cookies.”