BOOst Your Web Traffic


I don’t know of a single business owner or employee out there that doesn’t want to increase traffic on their website. It’s a common thing to want more traffic, it’s an uncommon thing to know how to achieve it. In this article, we are going to give you a few pointers on the best practices to drive more traffic with a Halloween twist!


Decorate Your Door

When kids are trick-or-treating what houses draw their attention? The ones with elaborate Halloween decorations adorning the lawn and the house! This doesn’t mean you have to decorate your actual door (however, you can if you want to). For a business your digital door is your Google My Business listing and making sure your digital door is decorated is important all year long. Keeping your information updated and uploading pictures to your GMB listing can make a big difference on how many trick-or-treaters (customers), visit your website.


Tell a Story

This doesn’t need to be a scary story, the best way to drive organic traffic to your website is by creating content. You may have heard this content creation called inbound marketing and how it is all the rage. Believe the hype, inbound marketing is a free and effective way to BOOst your web traffic by creating engaging content that your visitors want to read. It can be blogs, how-to videos, life hacks, or anything else that will get people engaged.


Big Candy Bars

Do you remember the excitement on Halloween night when you were walking down the street and you heard someone say, “they’re giving away big candy bars up there!” Sometimes if you want web traffic, you’ve got to pay for the big candy bars. Using paid advertising, you can drive traffic to your website quickly. Pay-per-click, retargeting ads, and display ads are all great ways to drive traffic.



There are many other very effective ways to BOOst your web traffic this Halloween. If you want any additional information, contact Midwest Marketing today!