Your Essential Guide to Amazon Ads

Amazon Ads graphic on laptop

Boost your brand’s visibility, reach over 200 million monthly shoppers, and boost sales with Amazon Ads! With Amazon Ads, you can reach real people that are browsing and researching everyday purchases through multiple devices with customized ads that tell your story. Amazon ads allow you to leverage exclusive data to run ads on Amazon desktop and mobile, as well as Fire devices and third-party sites. Continue reading to learn more about how you can use this powerful platform to reach your business goals!

Why Use Amazon Ads?

In addition to being the world’s largest e-commerce platform, Amazon is also a company that has painstakingly studied consumer habits to improve the overall shopping experience. They allow you to benefit from that research with ads that: build brand awareness, target the right shoppers at the right time and guide them to your product pages, and even upsell your products.

Plus, these stats don’t hurt:

Amazon Ads

Ad Solutions No Matter Your Budget

If you don’t have a huge budget, don’t worry – even $10 a day can help you broaden your brand’s visibility and increase sales! Then, as you start to see sales from your ads, you can increase your budget to achieve even greater results.

Types of Amazon Ads:

Whether your goal is to get your brand noticed by the right people or increase sales for a particular product, Amazon Ads offers an ad type to meet your needs. Choose the product that will help you reach your individual goals from the following:

Sponsored Products. These ads appear in shopping results and on product pages, and help in improving visibility of individual products.

Sponsored Brands. These ads also appear in shopping results and on product pages, and feature custom headlines, images, and videos to boost brand awareness.

Sponsored Display. These ads can be PPC or vCPM (cost per thousand viewable impressions). They appear both on and off Amazon and engage audiences who are browsing and shopping for products. Sponsored Display ads help you in further extending your brand’s reach.

Video Ads.  Showcase your brand’s story alongside your customer’s favorite shows, movies, and live TV.

Audio Ads. Reach your customers with branded ads while they’re listening to music or podcasts.

How Do Amazon Ads Work?

Amazon Ads work much the same way other online ads, such as Google ads, work – through an on-the-spot bidding system that takes many aspects, including budget and the projected forecast of an ad’s profitability, into consideration when determining the winner.

If you’re the lucky ad that gets picked, you’ll then show up on Amazon’s search page. You’ll only pay if the person viewing your ad clicks on it, a model of advertising called pay-per-click (PPC). Although it can benefit your brand awareness to have your ad repeatedly shown but not clicked on, Amazon will lower the ad ranking and show your ad less often if people don’t click  on it. This is why you’ll want to make sure both your targeting and your ad are well strategized in order to achieve Amazon Ads success.

Optimized for the Automotive Industry

Although many kinds of industries can benefit from the power of Amazon ads, the automotive industry, in particular, can achieve amazing results with these ads. Amazon uses the data from their Amazon Garage, Amazon Vehicles, and Edmunds to allow you to:

Amazon Ads Automotive Industry

You can also use these Amazon Ad benefits to boost your dealership sales:

Amazon Ads

Focus on what you do best – making innovative products to improve your customers’ lives – and let us take care of the selling it part with Amazon Ads!

Contact the digital marketing pros at Midwest Marketing or call us at 605-716-5666 today!