Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing

Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing graphic

Spring is right around the corner, making it the perfect time to freshen up your digital marketing tactics and breathe new life into your campaigns! Follow our spring-cleaning checklist to get on top of your marketing efforts and stay ahead of the competition.

  • Review your current digital marketing strategy.

First things first – take a good, hard look at your current marketing tactics and how they have been performing. Is that Google ad campaign you started six months ago still effective at driving traffic to your website? Are your Facebook ads successfully pulling in sales? Are people still interacting with your Instagram posts? Dig into each platform’s analytics and insights and make sure you are still reaching your goals with each one. If not, revisions may be needed – new assets, different targeting, or a different bid strategy, for example – or that portion of your strategy may need to be scrapped all together.

  • Audit your website.

Sit down and go through your website page by page and make a comprehensive inventory of your website’s content. Is there information that is outdated or no longer relevant? Remove it! Do you notice spelling or grammar mistakes that were previously overlooked? Fix them! This is also a good time to update some of your photos to help give your website a fresh, new look.

Include a site speed test as part of your website audit as well. Even a one second delay in load time can cause visitors to leave your site and harm your search engine rankings. There are many free page speed tools, such as this one, that allow you to see how your site is performing and that give you recommendations on improving site speed.

Remember, it is recommended to do a complete website refresh every 2-3 years; however, in the meantime, making sure you regularly update your site’s content is critical to an effective online presence.

  • Audit your website’s SEO.

You could have the most cutting-edge, awesome website ever, but it won’t matter if no one can find it. One way to easily gauge whether your website’s current search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is working is to look at your organic traffic on Google Analytics. If your organic traffic is declining month by month, that could indicate that your website isn’t utilizing the correct SEO measures to attract relevant traffic. If that’s the case, you may need to change up your keyword strategy, website content, or other SEO tactics so that your website will start being shown more frequently in relevant searches.

  • Go through your email subscriber list.

Did you know that you can improve the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns simply by regularly cleaning up your subscriber list? That’s right! By making sure you remove invalid or inactive email addresses, as well as unengaged subscribers, you can lower your email bounce rate. High bounce rates can affect email deliverability and result in ineffective email campaigns, causing you to essentially throw away your valuable marketing dollars.

  • Polish your online reputation.

Do you keep up with what’s being said about you online? If not, now’s the time to take inventory of your reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc., and start replying to them all, good and bad. And forget the canned, template-y responses – it’s easy to tell when a company replies the same to every review, and it can really hurt your business’s authenticity.

  • Add a new tactic to your digital marketing mix!

In the world of digital marketing, the only thing that stays the same is that things are constantly changing and evolving. New technologies are being introduced all of the time that make it easier to reach your target audience in a way that catches their attention and compels them to do business with you. But even if it’s not a brand-new offering and only new to you, incorporating a different tactic into your marketing plan can open doors you never thought possible.

Don’t have time to spring clean your marketing? Let us help – contact us today!