16 Engaging Social Media Post Ideas

Social Media Post Ideas

Maintaining a successful social media account for a business requires a lot of thought and strategy. Making sure that you are posting compelling content that resonates with your audience is crucial for building momentum on any social media platform, from Facebook to TikTok to Pinterest. However, it can sometimes be challenging coming up with fresh content ideas, even for the most experienced social media guru. To help, we’ve compiled a list of suggestions that will get your audience buzzing about your brand:


  1. Behind-the-Scenes Sneak Peeks


People love it when they’re in on a secret, that’s why exclusive peeks into your company’s operations, team dynamics, or product development process can be great for social media engagement. Sharing this kind of content also humanizes your brand and fosters transparency, helping you build trust with your followers.


  1. Promote a Giveaway


Giveaways and contests are excellent avenues for increasing engagement on your posts, as well as gathering valuable information about your audience. Check out our tips and ideas for running a social media contest here.


  1. Tutorials and How-To Guides


Position yourself as an industry authority by sharing informative tutorials, step-by-step guides, or instructional videos related to your niche. By providing valuable insights and tips, you not only engage your audience but also establish your credibility and expertise.


  1. User-Generated Content


Let your audience take care of the hard work by incorporating their photos and videos into your social media posting strategy! Consider running contests that incentivize your followers to submit content (example – “Post a photo of you enjoying a meal at our restaurant for a chance to win a $20 gift card!”). Then use the entries to pepper your social media with real customers enjoying your dishes, which will create authenticity and a sense of community among your followers.


  1. Inspirational Quotes


If you are like the average social media user, you are quick to hit the “Share” button when you come across a particularly compelling quote or message. Benefit from that trend by sharing uplifting quotes and motivating stories! Bonus points if you can share a thought-provoking quote that is also relevant to your industry.


  1. Throw It Back


Whether you do it on a Thursday, Friday, or even Tuesday, posting nostalgic throwback content can go far to encourage audience engagement through shared memories.


  1. Holiday-Themed Content


An easy way to add some fun posts to your rotation is by including any relevant upcoming holidays into your strategy. Feel free to think outside of the box for this one – instead of only including the major holidays that everyone posts about, such as Christmas or Halloween, add in some wacky ones too, like International Fanny Pack Day (March 9th). Try to go beyond just posting a generic graphic wishing your followers a happy holiday and instead try to find a unique way to showcase your products and team in a relevant, festive way.


  1. Join in On Popular Challenges and Trends


Need some inspiration? Scroll through your TikTok feed and see what’s trending! Participating in current trends and challenges is a great way to show off your brand’s relevance and adaptability while encouraging participation and sharing among your audience. Don’t forget the hashtags!


  1. Share Industry News


What better way to poise yourself as a leader than by providing up-to-the-minute news about your industry?! Subscribe to relevant newsletters and social media accounts to get in the know and start sharing the goods with your audience.


  1. Local Happenings


If you’re a small local business, chances are most of the people who follow you also live in the area. Take advantage of that by sharing events and news from your community! Not only will you provide content that your followers will be interested in, you will also be helping your fellow local business owners, which can in turn benefit you as well.


  1. Use Polls, Surveys, and Quizzes


Interactive content like polls and quizzes just beg to be engaged with, so it’s a no-brainer to include them in your social media strategy if you want to increase your brand’s reach and engagement.


  1. Share Content from Your Website


If you regularly post new blogs and other content to your website, make use of it on social media and help drive more traffic to your site!


  1. Share photos from events


Whether it’s a trade show or an employee retreat, sharing content from your business-related outings helps build your authenticity and relatability. Plus, they’re just fun!


  1. Post Customer Reviews and Testimonials


Show off all of the good things being said about your company on social media! Pro tip: Use a free platform like Canva to design your review into a cool graphic and post away. Don’t forget to include a link for your followers to leave their own review as well!


  1. Highlight Your Staff


Give your employees a taste of the spotlight and include social media posts that introduce each team member. Include the employee’s photo and some facts about them such as their favorite hobbies and their position within the company.


  1. Ask A Question


Posts where you ask a question are not only fun for your followers, but they will create engagement on your post, which will further your reach.



Need help taking your social media game to the next level? Our team can help! Learn more about our social media marketing services and contact us today!