10 Graphic Design Mistakes to Avoid

graphic design mistakes

Graphic design is a powerful tool that can enhance communication, elevate brands, and captivate audiences. However, not knowing how to effectively design your marketing materials, especially if you’re a small business doing it on your own, can work against you big time. That’s why we’ve put together the top ten graphic design dos and don’ts to provide helpful insights on how to create designs that help you reach your business goals.


  1. Ignoring typography.


Typography is the backbone of graphic design. Neglecting to pay attention to font selection and spacing can lead to designs that are difficult to read or lack visual impact. Avoid using too many fonts and ensure consistency in typography throughout your design.


  1. Poor color choices.


It’s no secret that colors evoke emotions and help to convey messages, making them another critical aspect of design. Using clashing colors or failing to consider how color impacts emotions can result in designs that don’t resonate with the intended audience. Always test your color combinations and consider the context in which they will be viewed.


  1. Overcrowded layouts.


The old adage “Less is more” is usually a good rule to stick by in graphic design, especially for business materials. Overcrowded layouts with excessive elements can overwhelm viewers and dilute the message. Embrace white space and prioritize simplicity to allow your designs command attention.


  1. Lack of visual hierarchy.


An effective design guides the viewer’s eyes and emphasizes key elements to facilitate understanding. Neglecting to establish hierarchy can diminish the effectiveness of your communication and cause your message to get lost. Use size, color, and placement strategically to create a clear visual flow.


  1. Poor image quality.


Images are powerful visual assets, but using low-quality or pixelated images can detract from the overall professionalism of a design. Be sure to use high-resolution images and ensure they are properly scaled and optimized for their intended use.


  1. Not proofreading.


Typos and grammatical errors can also hurt your image and make you look less professional, so make sure to always proofread your designs carefully. It doesn’t help to enlist someone else to give your design a second-over to really make sure your bases are covered.


  1. Inconsistent branding.


Consistency is crucial for building brand recognition and trust. Deviating from brand guidelines can undermine brand identity and dilute your current and future marketing efforts. Make sure your company develops brand guidelines if you don’t already have some, and always refers to them to ensure cohesion across all design materials.


  1. Ignoring mobile responsiveness.


In today’s mobile-centric world, designing with mobile responsiveness in mind is critical. Neglecting to optimize designs for various screen sizes and devices can lead to a poor user experience and alienate a significant portion of your audience.


  1. Lack of alignment.


Alignment is the glue that holds a design together, so not considering how your elements are aligned can result in a disjoined design with unpolished appearance. Pay close attention to alignment grids and guides to maintain visual consistency and cohesiveness.


  1. Insufficient contrast.


Contrast is essential for creating visual interest and providing a readable, accessible design, so be sure there is adequate contrast between text and background elements.

If you need help designing business materials that gets your business noticed for the right reasons, the experienced graphic designers at Midwest Marketing are here to help – contact us today!