Latest Google Update – Medic Update

Late July and early August, Google launched their latest Broad Algorithm Update which later took on the nickname the Medic Update. Reasoning to the nickname as you may have guessed, the healthcare and wellness industries were affected the most. Though, they were not the only industries affected by the update. See chart below from SEORoundtable.

SEO Roundtable Image

There is no clear answer as far as what exactly the update did, though we can note it has and will affect search engine ranking for all industries. Direct Response from Google:

Google Medic Update Response

Google and Midwest Marketing’s recommendation: is to be sure your website is filled with good quality content while taking into consideration the ease and navigation to provide the best overall user experience. In return, you will be able to boost your search engine ranking. If you need SEO help, reach out to us! 605-716-5666