Let’s Talk About TikTok

Person using a mobile phone

As much as it pains parents of young children to hear TikTok is something their business should consider using as a marketing platform, the time has come. The writing has been on the wall for some time and TikTok has grown their audience to a size that constitutes them being in the conversation of social media marketing powerhouses. While TikTok may never compete with Facebook (check back with me in 10 years to see if that statement still rings true), there are some benefits that must be talked about. Let’s go through those now:


The Good

  • TikTok has a huge user base and continues to grow exponentially with over 800 million active users. With that many users you have access to a lot of different people for your message to reach.
  • TikTok users are young, 62% of users are under the age of 30! TikTok has arguably provided the best way to reach Gen Z buyers, which has not been the easiest thing to do.
  • Video has skyrocketed in popularity across all social platforms in recent years and this plays to TikTok’s favor. TikTok is a video centered platform so it is easy to transition your video content that you already have.


The Bad

  • Coincidentally, one thing that is good about TikTok is also bad. The biggest factor people point to in not getting involved in TikTok is the age of the users. Young people do not have as much buying power as older individuals found on other platforms.
  • TikTok is new to the world of advertising but they are starting to branch out. Currently there are five ad formats to choose from. Expect to see a lot of changes to TikTok advertising as they work the kinks out in the process.
  • Another aspect that comes with being new to advertising is the data/reporting information for TikTok is fairly basic at the moment. If you’re an analytics junkie, this would be upsetting for you.


Final Thoughts

Advertising on TikTok is not for everyone, not even close. However, if you are a business that caters to a young demographic you should be dipping your toes in the water of this newer platform. If you need help getting started with TikTok marketing or have any more questions, give Midwest Marketing a call today!