How Do You Hire When It Seems No One Wants to Work?

Now Hiring graphic

With “Now Hiring” signs popping up on every corner, filling the open positions within your company can seem like a daunting task. When you add in the fact that it can take up to 52 days to fill a position and cost over $7,600, the hiring process can seem like a downright nightmare.

However, recruiting new employees isn’t any different than selling a service or product. In order to attract long-term employees, you need a strategic HR marketing plan that targets a defined audience and that can be analyzed and refined as needed. Read the tips below for help in creating a strategy that helps you find the perfect new hire, faster.

Take Your Online Presence Seriously

Over half of jobseekers say that their preferred method of searching for employment is online. Maximize your job listing’s visibility by posting it to online platforms people are using, such as Indeed and Facebook. Beefing up your business’s LinkedIn and Glassdoor profiles can also help attract potential employees who are researching your company. Also, creating a microsite that you can send people to that has all of the position information, including information on applying, can help in streamlining the application process.

Don’t Show Your Ads to Everyone

Although you may think that getting your job listing in front of as many eyes as possible will better your chances of getting your position filled, doing so can be a waste of not only your time, but also your money. For example, if you’re hiring for a top-level position that requires a lot of experience, you may want to choose Indeed as the platform for your ad, whereas Facebook would be a great choice for attracting those looking at entry-level jobs. Although there are some restrictions on how you can target employment ads on Google and Facebook, utilize the targeting that is allowed, such as only showing your ad within a 5-mile radius of your location, can help find people that would want to work at your location.

Recruit Everywhere

Every trip to your favorite coffeeshop is an opportunity to find your next star employee. Make sure to always keep extra business cards on hand in the case you overhear a fellow caffeine addict, that appears to be a good fit for the position, mention that they’re looking for work.

Showcase Benefits Besides Pay

While making money is the main goal of any job hunter, there are plenty of other perks that can make an open position worth applying for. Paid time off, phone allowances, flexible scheduling, retirement plans, and on-job training are all benefits employees are looking for in a job. Rising in popularity among applicants is in-office stress relief and fun, so offering things like nap rooms, an on-site gym, or a game room can also go far in setting you apart from other employers.

Put Your Company Culture on Display

Did you know that company cultural fit is considered a top attribute to jobseekers? It makes sense – we spend such a large portion of our lives at work that it’s only natural that we want to make sure we’ll fit in. A great way to showcase all that is great and unique about your company is a recruitment video that utilizes branded assets – no stock imagery – to highlight what is different about your place of employment. Get the most bang for your buck by using the video across a variety of platforms, including social media and on your website’s employment page.

Use Texting

Take advantage of the fact that everyone has their phone glued to their hand 24/7 by utilizing texting in your hiring process. In fact, 88% of recruiters have reported receiving positive feedback when texting an applicant, making texting a win-win for you and your potential employee.

Need some help attracting quality talent so you can retire your “Hiring” sign? Contact the HR marketing experts at Midwest Marketing today!