Discovering Midwest Marketing’s Creative Types

Creativity loading graphic - lightbulb with rainbow colors

It’s no secret that we have a diverse staff at Midwest Marketing. However, every role within Midwest, from our graphic designers to our digital strategists to our Vice President of Client Services, requires a certain level of creativity. Recently, everyone in the office took a test by Adobe Create on discovering creativity types (try it, it’s fun and enlightening!), and the results were pretty interesting! Take a look for yourself:




The Adventurer:

Dawn and Todd received The Adventurer, which makes sense because both do indeed have high levels of creative energy.

The Adventurer Creative Type

The Producer

As the quintessential “doer” of Midwest Marketing, Megan’s result of The Producer was also very fitting.

The Producer Creative Type

The Dreamer

Christi’s vivid imagination suits her for the role of The Dreamer, which is exactly what she got on the quiz. We’re starting to see a pattern…

The Dreamer Creative Type

The Innovator

As someone who is great at coming up with new ideas and innovative solutions for our digital marketing campaigns, it was perfect when Rachel received the result The Innovator.

The Innovator Creative Type

The Thinker

As Midwest Marketing’s resident content writer, Jen’s result of The Thinker was a no brainer.

The Thinker Creative Type

The takeaway? It takes creative types of all kinds to run a successful marketing agency!