Why Every Small Business Needs A Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan graphic

Opening a small business and not marketing it is like trying to swim without water. Marketing is essential to the success of any business, large or small. And now more than ever, you need to relook at your marketing in this time of crisis and confusion. The year 2020 upset the apple cart and once again, we must analyze the way consumers consume media.

Take the 4 P’s of Marketing – There are now 8:

Marketing entails so much more that just producing a television spot or your Facebook ad. Marketing is so much more than just advertising.

It is EVERYTHING you do that makes a customer form their perception of your small business. It includes things like how your storefront looks and it’s curb appeal as they drive by, how traffic flows throughout your store,  how the displays and endcaps present themselves, to the culture you create for your employees and how knowledgeable they are and most importantly now – how is your online presence and reputation. People go online for information, entertainment and to connect with others. Give them the information they need to choose your business.

Today, small business owners must combine offline and online marketing strategies to make up their business marketing plan. For assistance in navigating this every-changing landscape, contact the experts at Midwest Marketing at dawn@mwmsd.com.