4 Marketing Tips to Better Connect with Your Target Audience

Finding Target Audience graphic

Customers are crucial for every business.  But how well do you know yours? What is their daily media routine, what is their favorite TV show, music platform, news website, sports team, etc? If you are like most businesses, your customers are segmented, they have different routines and they most likely have different media habits than you do or what your perception is.   Here are four marketing tips and tricks to get to know them a little bit better so that you can better direct your marketing dollars.

Get back to the basics with Google Analytics. If you are not already using analytics, it’s time to dig in so that you can really see how your current customers interact with your marketing efforts. One powerful tool to use is Google Analytics. Google Analytics can tell you some important information about your customers, such as how they got to your website, their geographic location, what social networks they use, their age and other important demographics.  Google Analytics are so important that it now has its own  certification!

Take it a step further and have a Google Certified Agency like Midwest Marketing help you with your analytics!

Leverage Social Media.  Social media platforms provide insights on customer’s likes and dislikes, their habits, and, most importantly, what they are buying. Make sure to read comments from customers, and really start to get involved in the conversation. As the interaction between the company and customer is visible to all, it shows your company’s dedication to customer satisfaction. Social medial is another valuable tool for determining your follower’s demographics, including age, gender, and location.

Develop Buyer Personas. Creating a buyer persona for your main customer segments is essential, as it becomes your road map in your main marketing plan. A buyer persona is a research-based profile that depicts a target customer. Buyer personas describe who your ideal customers are, what their days are like, the challenges they face and how they make decisions. Buyer personas help you get the right visitors, leads, and customers. They help us gain a deeper understanding of our buyers and their behaviors.

Hold a Focus Group or Conduct Surveys. A focus group is a demographically diverse group of people assembled to participate in a guided discussion about a particular product before it is launched, or to provide ongoing feedback on a campaign, or brand. Designed to identify the feelings, perceptions and thinking of consumers. It can also be a group of your current customers or people who are unfamiliar with your business.  It is also a great audience to test a new creative set or tagline.

Conducting surveys are a great way to reach out to your customers or a mass audience, even when you are not in an active conversation with them. With a custom list, we can create a customer survey, or if no list is available, we can use tools like Google Surveys or Facebook Polls to gather data.

Need help in your quest to better connect with your customers? Midwest Marketing can help! Call us today at (605) 716-5666 to talk with one of our experienced marketing experts on which strategies will work best for you and  your business!