Improve Your Website’s SEO with Google Lighthouse

Website SEO graphic

As you probably know, one of Midwest Marketing’s specialties is being able to optimize and improve websites so they are at their peak performance. We do that through thorough website audits, search engine optimization (SEO) tactics, and web design updates.  However, there is a way that you can find out what’s going on with your website that’s making it rank poorly on Google without the tools or expertise that has taken us years to achieve. That way is Google Lighthouse – read on to learn how this too may be useful for you and your business!

What is Google Lighthouse?

Google Light House is a free Chrome extension that will show you what your website score is, and how to improve it to make it 100% optimized! We can’t guarantee you’ll be able to fix the issues yourself, as they often involve a lot of tweaking on the backend of your site, but it’s a great place to start.

Installing Google Lighthouse

To install Google Lighthouse, make sure you’re using a Chrome browser and visit the Chrome Web Store ( Then type in “Lighthouse” in the search bar. From there you’ll select the top result for Lighthouse and click the “Add to Chrome” Button.

How to Use Google Lighthouse

Now that you have the extension installed, there are two ways of using it. Go to the website you’d like to test. Then you can either click on the extension itself in the top right corner of your browser, or you can right click on the page you’d like to test and click “Inspect”, and it should appear as it’s own tab named “Lighthouse” at the top, or under “Audits”.

Once you click on Lighthouse either through the extension or through the inspection element, it’ll give you options to select before generating a web audit. Categories include: Performance, Progressive Web App, Best Practices, Accessibility, and SEO. There’s also an option to select a device view for the report: Mobile or Desktop. Once you have the setting you want, click “Generate Report”. Easy!

Make sure to give Midwest Marketing a call at 605-716-5666 so we can fix up your website with the recommendations provided by Google Lighthouse! Our team of digital marketers and web designers can help you get your website