Tips for Effective Ad Placement

Ads placement graphic

Ready to invest in pay-per-click (PPC) and other digital marketing ads so that your message can reach your potential customers where they are browsing, searching, shopping, and socializing? Make sure you have a well-planned ad placement and targeting strategy in place so that you put your dollars to good use! Not sure how? Here are some tips to help get you started.



1. Establish Your Goals

First and foremost, you must clearly define your goals. Some common goals are:

  • Growing brand awareness
  • Driving traffic to your company website
  • Re-engaging with inactive customers
  • Boosting sales
  • Generating leads

The more specific your goal, the better. For example, setting a goal of increasing 3rd quarter sales by 15% will set you up for success much better than simply saying you want to grow sales. Also, make sure to take your marketing budget into account when making your goals. It’s okay to start with a smaller budget, but expect a smaller return, as well.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Knowing who is most likely to respond to your ads and complete the desired action is key in creating a digital marketing strategy that works. Evaluating your current customers is a good place to start. There are many ways you can target ads, including:

  • By demographic – Reach people by their age, gender, household income, and/or marital status
  • By interests – Own a health food store? Target your ads to reach those that have shown an interest in nutrition and fitness. There are seemingly endless possibilities for this form of targeting.
  • By actions they have taken that show they have interest in your company – Showing ads to people that have already engaged with your brand, whether by visiting a specific webpage or putting an item into their online cart, is a powerful way of reaching people that are likely to become customers.

For the most part, if you can put a group of people in a category, there is more than likely a way that you can target them so that they see your ads.

3. Pick the Right Platform

Knowing what platform you should use to create your ads largely depends on your goals and how your target audience spends their time online. Want to reach those browsing on sports sites with ads for your athletic gear? Google Display ads may be your best bet. Google Search ads allow you to show up at the top of search results while when your audience is searching for your products and services. There are also social media ads, video ads, shopping ads, and much more. Looking at what your competitors are doing can give you valuable insight into which platforms would be the most beneficial for your business.

If you need help putting together a strategy for your ad campaign, turn to the Pay-Per-Click experts at Midwest Marketing! We can help you define your goals and target audience, as well as identify relevant platforms, in order to create a plan that reaches your goals and grows your company. Contact us today!