Google Marketing Live 2023 Recap

Google building

Two letters can pretty much sum up Google Marketing Live 2023: AI.

Almost every new offering included in Google’s annual online event incorporated the use of AI in some way, driving home how much the technology has already become a cornerstone in the world of digital marketing. New ad formats and important changes to Google Merchant Center were also on the agenda.

If you missed this year’s Google Marketing Live extravaganza, don’t worry! Our digital team was tuned in and are here to share the highlights.

Supercharge Your Search Campaigns

There are many new ways Google  is helping you improve your Search campaigns, including:

    • Conversational Experience

The Conversational Experience allows you to have a conversation with Google Ads in order to generate keywords, headlines, images, descriptions, and other assets.

    • Generative AI

Generative AI automatically creates copy for your ads based on the user’s needs and wants, giving you the ability to better connect with your potential customers and compel them to take action.

    • Brand Restrictions for Broad Match

Brand restrictions for broad match allows companies with specific brand needs to more easily use broad match in campaigns, with the feature ensuring your ads only show up in relevant traffic that you specify.

    • Improvements in Smart Bidding

Of the billions of searches on Google each and every day, 15% are queries that Google has never seen before. With advancements in AI, Google will be able to better optimize for these queries it has never seen before in order to help deliver better performance.

    • Addition of Business Information

Logos and business names are now available to use in Google Search ads for advertisers that meet eligibility criteria and complete verification. According to Google, advertisers that display their logo and name in their Search ads received an average of 8% more conversions at a similar cost per conversion.

Harness the Power of Performance Max

Performance Max allows you to input your assets so that Google can take care of cross-channel marketing on its platforms, including YouTube, Search, and Discover. Performance Max will also use Generative AI to create the best assets for your campaign.

Along with making campaigns easier to set up, Performance Max also helps in driving sales. Those that use this type of campaign see an average increase of 18% in conversions with their campaign, with a 25% increase in conversion value.

Enhanced Insights and Reporting

Understanding how your ads are performing, and if they are truly successful, is more important now than ever. Google Marketing Live 2023 outlined some new tools that make understanding campaign performance easier, including:

    • Improved Search Term Insights

There will be more search term categories present on the Insights page to help you understand your customer’s intent and how they are searching for your business.

    • Asset Insights

Get details on which creatives aren’t working, along with recommendations from Google on stock images or photos from your website to use instead.

    • Simplified Enhanced Conversion Setup

With new account-level controls, setting up enhanced conversions will soon be easier across your entire Google ads account.

    • GA4 Audiences in Google Ads

Build and add relevant GA4 audiences straight from Google Ads and Google AI will identify audiences most likely to convert.

Fast Track Your YouTube Success

With video viewing, both short and long-format, only continuing to increase, it’s no wonder that Google has made many enhancements to advertising on YouTube, including:

With the click of a button, you can generate square, horizontal, or vertical video ads using assets from your product feed, your app store listing, or other existing assets.

    • The Addition of Local Offers on YouTube In-Stream Ads

Let your customers know item availability and pricing based on their location. Local Offers also allow you to show promotions for your brick and mortar locations alongside your online offers.

    • Using Google AI to Reach Viewers Across Formats

Video campaigns utilizing Google AI will show across YouTube’s in-stream, in-feed, and Shorts, as well as on other devices like connected TV, desktop, and mobile.

Improve Your App

During Google Marketing Live 2023, Google highlighted new ways that they will help consumers shop apps, streamline the web-to-app experience, and improve app performance measurement by:

    • Making App Ads More Shoppable

With Google AI, your product feeds will be available on YouTube Shorts and in-feed. Promotion assets and seasonality adjustments will also be available to make ads more relevant and timely.

    • The Introduction of Web to App Connect

Web to App Connect is a tool to help with implementing conversion tracking, bidding, and deep links in your app ads so you can better understand and guide your customer’s web to app journey.

    • Enhanced Conversion Measurement

In the coming months, Google will be offering more types of user sign-in, such as phone numbers, to add to their first party data and further their conversion tracking abilities.

Other New Exciting Google Offerings

    • Demand Gen Campaigns – These campaigns will use visuals to engage and drive action, as well as include the ability to create lookalike audience and tailor creative to specific audiences.
    • Google Merchant Center Next – Google Merchant Center Next will replace Merchant Center, providing a more simplified experience. Users will have the ability to automatically connect product information from their website, as well as receive valuable insights such as similar product pricing.
    • Optimized Targeting in Display & Video 360 – Google will use AI signals to connect you with new audiences that are likely to convert.
    • More Insights from Connected TV Measurement – A new report in Display & Video 360 will allow for measuring the effectiveness of CTV campaigns, giving you a better understanding of what people do after seeing your ads on a smart TV.

Need help implementing any of these exciting new Google offerings? Call us at 605-716-5666 today!