Do’s and Don’ts of Poster Design

From promoting a concert to sharing critical information in a doctor’s office, posters are a great visual tool to spread information. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to designing a great poster, there are some characteristics that separate effective posters from not-so-effective posters, and our graphic designers want to share some essential design tips to make… Continue reading Do’s and Don’ts of Poster Design

Graphic Designer’s Biggest Pet Peeves

Eye-catching graphic design is integral to any business’s marketing strategy. However, it can seem impossible to get what you’re looking for if you have bumpy communication with your graphic designer. We’ve sat down with one of Midwest Marketing’s own graphic designers to pick their brain on some common pet peeves of graphic designers in order… Continue reading Graphic Designer’s Biggest Pet Peeves

Not Everyone is a Graphic Designer

If you have a plumbing problem, would you rather: 1) Spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos trying to figure out what they are even talking about. “This gadget thing goes here and connects to this tube looking part….” OR 2) Call your local plumber because he or she knows what those thingamajigs are… Continue reading Not Everyone is a Graphic Designer

Why a Graphic Designer is valuable

Having good graphic design gives you, as a business, instant credibility, inspires confidence, trustworthiness, and clearly communicates your business to your audience. Not having professional design could have disastrous consequences for your product or brand. A trained graphic designer has more than just technical skills, something that many business owners don’t realize. Someone with a… Continue reading Why a Graphic Designer is valuable