New Beginnings @ at Midwest Marketing: Mara

      Joining the team at Midwest Marketing makes me feel like I’ve returned to my roots. Over a decade ago, my love for language and literature helped me complete my English degree at Black Hills State University. In return, that allowed me to fulfill my dream of teaching English in Japan. I wasn’t… Continue reading New Beginnings @ at Midwest Marketing: Mara

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Holiday Marketing

If you’re like us, you roll your eyes and make a snide comment when you start to see holiday decorations creeping onto store shelves unseasonably early. Summer’s not even over yet, can’t we enjoy the last weeks of warmth before thinking of the cold, snowy holiday season?! However, if you run a business, getting a… Continue reading Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Holiday Marketing

8 Best 2023 Trends for Digital Marketing

2023 trends are something on everyone’s mind right now. The age-old question of what’s trending is something that both entices and concerns brands, so much so that hundreds of companies consolidate predictions into blogs that leave readers binging until next year. While trendiness is next to godliness in this day and age, it shouldn’t take… Continue reading 8 Best 2023 Trends for Digital Marketing

Use SEO to Dominate Your Local Listings

Picture this: your potential customer uses their phone to quickly search for the products or services you provide, and they’re looking for a local establishment to get them from. But when they head to Google,  input their key terms and hit “Search”, your competition shows up in the coveted first position. Your potential customer breathes… Continue reading Use SEO to Dominate Your Local Listings

My First Two Weeks at Midwest Marketing

Considering I landed a position at a marketing agency, my first day was surprisingly calm. In fact, this was the first time that I didn’t have to hit the ground running and immediately take on assignments, which was a nice change of pace! Unlike the business structures of my previous employers, Midwest Marketing was able… Continue reading My First Two Weeks at Midwest Marketing

4 Ways to Run a Social Media Contest

While browsing social media, it’s likely that you’ve participated in a “tag a friend to win” or “comment to enter” post. You may have even filled out a short form in order to enter a contest to win some sort of great prize. What you may not have thought about is what social media contests… Continue reading 4 Ways to Run a Social Media Contest

3 Myths that Annoy Graphic Designers

The graphic design team at Midwest Marketing has over 50 years of experience in producing award-winning designs for our clients. Throughout those years, we’ve learned some valuable lessons in designer-client relationships that has made the process more streamlined and resulted in both happier clients and designers. We sat down with one of our designers to… Continue reading 3 Myths that Annoy Graphic Designers

3 Secrets to Effective Content Marketing

Still hanging onto that content marketing strategy from 2019? Time for a change! In “normal” times, content strategies should be changed up annually in order to adapt to constant changes that affect target audiences, but since the pandemic, ensuring you stay ahead of the game is even more important. If you’re unsure of how to… Continue reading 3 Secrets to Effective Content Marketing

Secrets to Effective Business Card Design

Did you know that business cards have been around for hundreds of years?! That’s right – business cards date back to the 15th century, originating in China. They were known as “visiting cards” at that time and were used to announce the holder’s intention of visiting a person or household. The cards were left at… Continue reading Secrets to Effective Business Card Design

How To Make Professional Looking DIY Video

Fun fact: Recent studies show that adding videos into your marketing strategy increases brand awareness by around 70%, traffic to your website by 51%, and overall sales by 34%. So, if you are not already incorporating video on social media, your website, or in your digital ad campaigns, what are you waiting for?! One common… Continue reading How To Make Professional Looking DIY Video