Crafting Your Digital Identity: A Guide to Building a Powerful Online Presence

In an age dominated by digital interactions, building a strong online presence is crucial for many businesses. Whether you’re a large or small business looking to build your brand, a steady online presence can unlock opportunities and bring success. As we step into 2024, let’s explore key strategies to build and maintain a powerful online… Continue reading Crafting Your Digital Identity: A Guide to Building a Powerful Online Presence

New Beginnings @ at Midwest Marketing: Mara

      Joining the team at Midwest Marketing makes me feel like I’ve returned to my roots. Over a decade ago, my love for language and literature helped me complete my English degree at Black Hills State University. In return, that allowed me to fulfill my dream of teaching English in Japan. I wasn’t… Continue reading New Beginnings @ at Midwest Marketing: Mara

Use SEO to Dominate Your Local Listings

Picture this: your potential customer uses their phone to quickly search for the products or services you provide, and they’re looking for a local establishment to get them from. But when they head to Google,  input their key terms and hit “Search”, your competition shows up in the coveted first position. Your potential customer breathes… Continue reading Use SEO to Dominate Your Local Listings

My First Two Weeks at Midwest Marketing

Considering I landed a position at a marketing agency, my first day was surprisingly calm. In fact, this was the first time that I didn’t have to hit the ground running and immediately take on assignments, which was a nice change of pace! Unlike the business structures of my previous employers, Midwest Marketing was able… Continue reading My First Two Weeks at Midwest Marketing

3 Myths that Annoy Graphic Designers

The graphic design team at Midwest Marketing has over 50 years of experience in producing award-winning designs for our clients. Throughout those years, we’ve learned some valuable lessons in designer-client relationships that has made the process more streamlined and resulted in both happier clients and designers. We sat down with one of our designers to… Continue reading 3 Myths that Annoy Graphic Designers

Display Ad Design 101: What You Need to Know

Would you like to reach 90% of online consumers while they’re browsing their favorite websites and apps? If the answer is yes, then a Google Display campaign may be the perfect choice for you! One of the first steps in starting a successful Display campaign is to determine what image assets will be used. Careful… Continue reading Display Ad Design 101: What You Need to Know

5 Tips for Creating an Effective Direct Mail Campaign

Nowadays, digital and social media marketing are at the forefront of everyone’s minds when they think about marketing their business, but direct mail campaigns are still a surprisingly crucial part of a well-rounded strategy. With around 52% of Americans reporting that they read every piece of mail they receive, direct mail done right can be… Continue reading 5 Tips for Creating an Effective Direct Mail Campaign

Marketing Tips for Connecting With New Consumer Groups

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everyone’s lives in 2020, so it should come as no surprise that the impact will be felt for years to come. However, recent studies have shown just how consumer behavior may be affected in the coming years, with new customer segments predicted to dominate by 2023.  It is important to recognize… Continue reading Marketing Tips for Connecting With New Consumer Groups

Restaurant Marketing Trends

Want to get on top of your restaurant marketing game going into 2022? As always, Midwest Marketing is here to help! Our team stays current on the latest marketing trends so that we can offer our clients cutting edge solutions to stay ahead of the competition and keep customers coming back for more. Continue reading… Continue reading Restaurant Marketing Trends

A Day In The Life of an Owner of a Marketing Agency

As the owner of Midwest Marketing for almost twenty years, days have been long, days have been short, and days (and nights) have always been busy. Read on for more on what the typical day looks like for me, Dawn, the owner of one of the top marketing agencies in the Black Hills. (Extremely) Early… Continue reading A Day In The Life of an Owner of a Marketing Agency