What is Influencer Marketing?

It is the act of influencing by inspiring change in thinking or behavior. An influencer is someone who has the power to influence the perception of others or gets them to do something differently. The use of an influencer has become one of the top trends in social media marketing. Influencer marketing is something I… Continue reading What is Influencer Marketing?

Trending – Live Video

The tech world moves at a blistering pace, one only has to look at the frenetic pace at which videos are uploaded to Youtube daily to attest to this fact. Trying to stand out among the thousands of hours uploaded every day can be a daunting task. Trying to find that magical combination of entertainment,… Continue reading Trending – Live Video

Trending – Responsive Logo Design

10 years ago, mobile responsive design began to revolutionize the web and is now an industry standard to save your brand image. The reasoning behind mobile responsive design is the assortment of screen sizes your designs will be displayed on, for instance, mobile, tablet, etc. This has created some complication for graphic designers, especially when… Continue reading Trending – Responsive Logo Design

Latest Google Update – Medic Update

Late July and early August, Google launched their latest Broad Algorithm Update which later took on the nickname the Medic Update. Reasoning to the nickname as you may have guessed, the healthcare and wellness industries were affected the most. Though, they were not the only industries affected by the update. See chart below from SEORoundtable.… Continue reading Latest Google Update – Medic Update

7 Traditional Marketing Tips

The good ol’ days, way back when, simpler times. For some people, these poetic times mean the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. For some young whippersnappers, the days of old are anything on the wrong side of 2010. While we reminisce about what used to be and talk about how much has changed, there are still… Continue reading 7 Traditional Marketing Tips

Hunting Buddy

As a kid I enjoyed to hunt and fish with my dad and brothers. As we got older we did less hunting and more fishing. Eventually I completely stopped hunting but always had the childhood memories. About 16 years ago a long time friend moved back to South Dakota. He got hooked on duck and… Continue reading Hunting Buddy

How Todd Became a Graphic Designer

I’ve always been pretty creative. I enjoyed drawing and had done a little painting when I was in high school. Graphic design was far from my mind as a career. I was kind of a nerd in high school and really liked math and was good at it. I had taken several accounting courses and… Continue reading How Todd Became a Graphic Designer

Your online reputation is everything!

Your online reputation is everything! Don’t let a negative conversation or ignored comments ruin it – at Midwest Marketing, we can create a reputation management plan that takes your rep from so-so to superior!

The Importance of Social Media Analytics

Social Media has become a major component of digital marketing through 2015 and now will play a big role in 2016. It is now a substantial part of the marketing budget, and continues to grow. With the growth of social media as a marketing category comes the need for analytics. This need is not a… Continue reading The Importance of Social Media Analytics