4 Website Design Tips for Success

Whether you’re looking to build a new company website or would like to enhance your current website’s conversions and profitability, we have some website design tips that will help you reach your  business goals! Check out the following recommendations for taking your website to the next level: 1. Use Dynamic Content We have mentioned the… Continue reading 4 Website Design Tips for Success

What is Influencer Marketing?

It is the act of influencing by inspiring change in thinking or behavior. An influencer is someone who has the power to influence the perception of others or gets them to do something differently. The use of an influencer has become one of the top trends in social media marketing. Influencer marketing is something I… Continue reading What is Influencer Marketing?

Latest Google Update – Medic Update

Late July and early August, Google launched their latest Broad Algorithm Update which later took on the nickname the Medic Update. Reasoning to the nickname as you may have guessed, the healthcare and wellness industries were affected the most. Though, they were not the only industries affected by the update. See chart below from SEORoundtable.… Continue reading Latest Google Update – Medic Update

7 Traditional Marketing Tips

The good ol’ days, way back when, simpler times. For some people, these poetic times mean the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. For some young whippersnappers, the days of old are anything on the wrong side of 2010. While we reminisce about what used to be and talk about how much has changed, there are still… Continue reading 7 Traditional Marketing Tips

The Stress Mess

Life is stressful. We’re not sure we’ve ever met anyone who wouldn’t agree with that. For many people the leading cause of stress in their lives is their job. A work stress survey of 1,000 employed Americans conducted by the Huffington Post, found that 83% of people were stressed from work. Poor compensation, unreasonable workload… Continue reading The Stress Mess

We’re in The People Business

I’ve been fascinated with music for as long as my mind can remember. There has always been something about the sound waves coming out of grandpa’s rusty old farm truck radio that connected with me on a deeper level than I ever knew was possible. As grandpa would teach me how to drive we would… Continue reading We’re in The People Business

Find Your Herd

Around the time I was nine years old my family and I packed up our vehicle and drove until we hit this little place known as Custer State Park. Being originally from Minnesota, Custer State Park was somewhat of a mind-blowing experience for me. From the twisting and turning of Needles Highway to the deer,… Continue reading Find Your Herd

Why Facebook Analytics Are Important for Successful Social Media Management

The most common question we as marketers get asked is, “How can I tell if my social media management strategy is working?” Marketing has been notoriously difficult to track progress and overall effectiveness but in recent years the use of analytics has made life much simpler. Analytics for those who may not know, is the… Continue reading Why Facebook Analytics Are Important for Successful Social Media Management

Walking Before You Run

How to Start the Marketing Process Marketing can be a tricky world littered with buzz words, elevator pitches, and different strategies. While some people have this world mastered, others are just starting out. Trying to figure out how to market your specific business can be a daunting task when you are new to the game.… Continue reading Walking Before You Run

Social Media Don’ts

With social media marketing being one of the most effective ways to reach customers in present day, we are often told by others how we should manage our social media accounts. While there is so much focus on what you should be doing on social media there are also some things that you should stay… Continue reading Social Media Don’ts