Explore 4 Growing Digital Marketing Channels

It’s no secret that digital marketing has been a big player in the advertising game for a while now. However, according to Insider Intelligence or eMarketer, there are a few areas you really don’t want to miss out on. So, go ahead and explore these four digital channels! 1. Connected TV (CTV) “CTV remains this… Continue reading Explore 4 Growing Digital Marketing Channels

Getting Started With Facebook Lead Ads

If your marketing objective includes getting to know your audience, gathering valuable customer feedback, or increasing conversions, listen up – Facebook lead ads are a fast and easy way to help you reach your goal. But what is a lead ad campaign and how can you use it for your business? Continue reading to learn… Continue reading Getting Started With Facebook Lead Ads

Tips on Designing Effective Website Banner Ads

With the average person encountering up to 10,000 ads each day, it’s critical to make sure you have a well-thought out banner ad design that stands out so you don’t waste your marketing dollars. But what goes into effective website banners? The graphic design and digital marketing pros at Midwest Marketing are here to let… Continue reading Tips on Designing Effective Website Banner Ads

A Quick Guide to Advertising on YouTube

  The great smoky yonder of digital marketing for many advertisers tends to be YouTube. They notice the value, they see other’s ads on the platform, but can never seem to make the jump into doing it for themselves. In this blog we are going to try to demystify some of the facets of YouTube… Continue reading A Quick Guide to Advertising on YouTube

Stick With It – How Persistence in Advertising Pays Off

When I was a boy my family had horses and we would ride these mighty steeds every single weekend that the weather permitted us to. The idea was to get our horses in shape before we took them on a two week long trip to the mountains. Depending on the year we would go to… Continue reading Stick With It – How Persistence in Advertising Pays Off

Death, Taxes & Advertising

Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter in 1789 that stated, “in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The quote has become a staple in everyday life and something that most people have said themselves or heard someone else say at some point in time. However, I believe that if… Continue reading Death, Taxes & Advertising

Vilhjalmur and the Ethics of Advertising

In the early 1900s, an Icelandic explorer named Vilhjalmur Stefansson traveled to the Arctic lands of northern Canada and Alaska to live with, learn from, and study the Inuit people that called these unforgiving lands home. His time spent in these far-away places is documented meticulously in his many works of literature, including his masterpiece,… Continue reading Vilhjalmur and the Ethics of Advertising

7 Traditional Marketing Tips

The good ol’ days, way back when, simpler times. For some people, these poetic times mean the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. For some young whippersnappers, the days of old are anything on the wrong side of 2010. While we reminisce about what used to be and talk about how much has changed, there are still… Continue reading 7 Traditional Marketing Tips

We’re in The People Business

I’ve been fascinated with music for as long as my mind can remember. There has always been something about the sound waves coming out of grandpa’s rusty old farm truck radio that connected with me on a deeper level than I ever knew was possible. As grandpa would teach me how to drive we would… Continue reading We’re in The People Business

Influencer Marketing

Marketing is a world of snappy catch phrases and buzzwords used to catch people’s attention, and lately one of the terms that keeps popping up is, “influencer marketing.” While influencer marketing is trendy right now the concept behind it, is nothing new. It is a spin on an old-school tactic that can be very effective.… Continue reading Influencer Marketing